Tuesday, September 2, 2008

From the Mouth of Babes

On the ride home from school today my five year old was sitting in the back seat looking out the window. Sprinkles of rain hit our windshield and then it began to rain harder. While driving I heard a little voice from the backseat....
"Mommy, I think that I know why it is raining. Maybe there are baby clouds, and they are jumping up and down on their Mommy and Daddy clouds. That's why its raining their water is coming out."
I responded with, "That sounds pretty good..."
Later on in the day, I had gotten something back from the tailor. I tried it on, and came out to model it for the family. My five year old smiled from ear to ear and said,
"Oh Mommy, you look very distinguish....Daddy you should tell her the same thing."
My sweet little man....his little voice and ideas always bring smiles to my face...

1 comment:

Amanda Lomonaco said...

I hope that Hunter takes that sweetness into his own marriage someday. Did his Daddy take the good advice?