Sunday, December 21, 2008

What We've Been Waiting For!

Announcing the Arrival of :

Samuel Colton Bock

Born 12/19/08

7 lbs. 7 ozs. 19 3/4''

Samuel "God hears and is faithful"

Colton "Bringing light to the dark town"

After everything that this pregnancy has brought us, we are praising God for the healthy arrival of our new little boy!

Here is a story of the journey!

We arrived at the hospital on Friday morning (9:00am). I was scheduled for a ECV (external version to turn a breech baby) with a possible C-section. Because the possibility of an emergency C-section I was placed on that floor close to the ER. I received an operating room dose of an epidural (where my blood pressure dipped up and down with waves of nausea...totally gross btw...). When I was totally numb, the doctor came in and gave me a dose of another med. that would relax my uterus (and make my heart race...bringing on more nausea...yuck). The ultrasound was used to locate the head and rear of the baby, and he began turning the baby by maneuvering him from the outside. He'd stop every few moments to check the baby's heart rate and tolerance. After a few minutes, the baby turned head down and stayed there with a very strong heart rate! PRAISE GOD! The staff was actually surprised, as apparently these maneuvers aren't usually successful. God hears and is faithful!

After that, we were moved to labor and delivery. My epidural wore off, and I received med. to induce labor. That all began at 2:oo in the afternoon. Seven hours later, I was ready to bring this baby into the world. The doctor was called, and the baby came shortly after his arrival (2 pushes for those who care...).

When I heard his cries I was crying. I concentrated on the pediatric nurse working on him, trying to read her expression. I wanted someone to tell me that he was totally fine and "normal". Finally, Stephen walked over to let me know that all was great. I broke down into tears that I have been holding onto for six months. God hears and is faithful!

Needless to say, we are praising God for our miracle, and we thank all of those who have traveled this journey with us. We obviously named him accordingly (plus, his initials are the same as Stephen's). We will be calling him Colton, and we are praising God for him every moment!


Lindsey said...

welcome colton!!! yay, kelli, you did great :-) (i'm also a little jealous of 2 pushes)

Kristin said...

Congratulations. I LOVE his name, and the meanings, especially given all that you've been through. What a precious gift this Christmas season. Prayer really works!!