Friday, June 19, 2009

Freakish Fears?

I am a tad bit superstitious. Is that wrong? Sometimes I throw spilled salt over my shoulders; I cross off black cats from my path, and I knock on wood. Yes, I also cannot bring myself to wash clothes on New Year's Day for fear of washing someone out of the family (death of a loved one). Kind of nuts, I know. I really don't want believe that bad things will happen, but deep down there is a part of me that is uneasy. I even hesitate to say things out loud (or write them) fearing that I will ultimately jinx my statement or to make a fear reality. Is that kind of crazy, or am I just actually speaking up about a nagging voice that others have as well but no one will speak of (for fear of being deemed crazy)? Crazy loves company....


Unknown said...

I never heard about not washing clothes on New Years! That's my biggest laundry day.

I was born on the 13th, so superstition runs through my veins. Too bad it's completely unBiblical.

michael said...

How on earth can you be superstitions while at the same time believing in an all-powerful God?

I mean, WTF Kelli?

Where in the Bible does it say anything about throwing salt over your shoulder, black cats, or broken mirrors?

Personally, I have a fond affiliation for purposefully walking under ladders and daring black cats to cross in front of me. And I think I have even intentionally broken a mirror.

Why? Because that is utter bull-$hite! And so is freakin' knocking on wood, or whatever other dumb things that people have conjured up over the years.

My destiny, or "fate" is only determined by a)the God whom I love and serve, and b)sometimes the evil forces that conspire to bring ruin to my efforts and thwart me from the path of righteousness.

In fact, maybe your superstitious fears are even caused by those very same evil forces that I am talking about. If I could offer a suggestion, it would be to pray against them in the name of Jesus and then laugh in their faces the next time you are tempted to give merit to them.

Sorry for what may sound like a chastising Kelli, but hopefully you know me well enough not to get offended by it and perhaps it's as beneficial as it is annoying.