Saturday, August 9, 2008

Why is this so hard...

Yesterday, we took the kids to the doctor for their "well visits." Everything went well and we were told that Iveigh had to get one shot, but Hunter needed four. The Dr. asked me if I wanted to do Hunter's in two's....two that day and two another day. I declined, thinking that it would be hard to come back in. They both were brave, and tears were few.

I never gave this a second thought until we were out today. Hunter had soccer tryouts, and we had to walk a distance from a gym to the car afterwards. We cooled off in the car, and I began the drive home. Looking in the review mirror, I saw Hunter looking quite sickly. He said that he was hot, and he had a headache "because of the sun."

I hate when he gets headaches; it bugs me, and it makes me so uneasy/anxious internally (Yes, I am a bit obsessive I've had two friends with brain tumors within the last year...and that doesn't help things...). We stopped to get a drink, but he didn't feel better. At home, he told me that he was fine, but I could tell that something wasn't right. He didn't want to tell me that he had a headache, but I knew.

I debated calling the doctor, on a Saturday, and risk being the over reacting parent, but decided to hold off. Hunter felt hot to me, and I took his temperature, 101.7....Alright, now I am calling the doctor.

Right away, I spoke with him. He let me know that he was probably having a reaction the vaccinations. He wasn't concerned about the headache, either. I let him know that he's had them before, and I didn't know when to be concerned about that. The doctor said that as long as he wasn't vomiting with them, not to worry about them. That made me feel better.

After being reassured that he'd survive and wasn't suffering from horrible disease, I gathered my mom wits about me. I put him in a cool bath ( to bring down the high fever) and gave him Tylenol.

Right now, he is napping....he fever and headache are gone....Thank you God....but this is just a taste of motherhood. Iveigh can't vocalize if she's feeling bad, and the new baby can't either. I don't know what's worse, not knowing what is wrong or knowing and having my imagination run wild. It shows me how powerless I really am to fix problems that they may have. I have to put my trust in God and rely on His power and wisdom, for they belong to Him any way. Oh, that's hard.....Today I'm saying a prayer for those families who are dealing with sick children...those who know that Tylenol can't take away their child's pain or illness. And, thank you Lord, that I have been so blessed with the littlest ones in my life.....

1 comment:

michael said...

Poor kid.

Emily is talking so much now - I love being able to communicate with her. It's so much better than having them cry without knowing what the problem is, in my opinion.

They sure are little blessings, aren't they?