Wednesday, December 30, 2009

This would be a great year to...

A new year is upon us and this would be a great year to:

(I mean, really...5 people & 1 dog in 1,000 square ft.)
2) Join the "Y" to get healthier & have the kids involved in more sports
3) Try something new with my hair...Ya, pony tails are getting old!
4) Budget better...(we want that house, right?)
5) Spend more quiet time w/ my Lord
(Yes, this should be #1, but this is in no particular order)
6) Travel More!
7) Speak French, more...
8) Clean more...(sigh)
9) Add more family time!
10) Love myself MORE!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A year ago does NOT define me!

A year ago today, I was readmitted to the hospital. Through the entire night I was terrified and feared the worst. I thought about this last night, and as much as I wanted to be bothered by it...I let it go. I'm embracing this Christmas, but not for its gifts, food, bows, and lights. I'm holding on to my family and counting each blessing. I'm going to church to thank my God for sparing my life and for each life that blesses mine. I'll remember the baby Jesus being brought to this world for this sinner, and my heart and mouth will sing praises because of that blessed event! Last year does not define me. The birth of Christ, his life, death and resurrection does. There is a great song out there this season that brings tears to my eyes EVERY it is (Here With Us - Joy Williams)

Friday, December 18, 2009

He's Turning ONE!

Tomorrow is the big day! Our little Colton will be turning ONE! It is insane how fast it goes. What a blessing and a miracle he is. We love you, Colton...Happy Birthday!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I've been going through a lot of pictures these past few days, and it is making me realize how fast time is flying by. Before I had children, I imagines the different things that I'd do with them (Oh, the places we'd go and see). I thought about the crafts and cookies we'd make, the movie nights, the giggles, the walks in the park, and all of those magical moments you see in film and T.V. Now, I realize that my time is ticking...I need to get cracking on this marathon, and really focus all of my energy on making my kid's lives enriched with wonderful memories of their precious mother and quality family time.
I never make new year's resolutions, but this year I'm going for it! I'm going to start by coming up with new ideas for family fun time together. Here are my ideas so you have any?

1) Midnight Movies: Without the kids knowing when it's coming, wake them up to watch a film with the family in the big bed
2) Exploring Days: Visiting local trails and parks...maybe finding hidden attractions
3) More Beach Days: We live so close; why don't we go more often?
4) Family Game Night...

Friday, December 11, 2009

From Christmas' Past

I put some photos together of past Christmas' with our family. Last year, our family was blessed with a wonderful gift...our youngest son. It's hard to believe that soon he will be a year old!