Saturday, March 13, 2010

Adventures in Listing Day1

Well, the end of day one is upon me and I am so glad. Many times today I was ready to throw up my hands in despair (ok, maybe just not tempted). I am still getting overwhelmed thinking about all that we have got to get accomplished by Wednesday evening! Why Wednesday? Well, my husband goes back to the real world of working instead of staying home using vacation days. Oh, and we wanted to call a realtor that day to talk about listing our home (shhh...that part's under wraps...wink wink).
Here is what we got accomplished today:
1) Cleaned & re-organized the kitchen (all the cupboards and drawers, took down all kid art, and used Clorox, Lysol, and Mr. Clean magic eraser everywhere; this also included my throw out 3 1/2 garbage bags worth of just "stuff")
2) Bought new table for the dining room (found on craigslist of $50 dollars, YES!)
3) Moved old table and chairs into storage
4) Bought a new overstuffed chair for living area ($55 off of craigslist, YES!)
5) Cleaned out the Bathroom closet & reorganized the shelves with cute new baskets
6) Cleaned the bathroom & put out the DO NOT USE TOWELS...

Here is what is on our to do list for tomorrow:
1) Sort toys and clothes in the kids room (keep as few toys as possible in the house)
2) Hopefully rent the U-HAUL one day early to move the extra furniture out
3) Sort Clothes from our room & toss more than we keep
4) Pick up paint for the kids room (and maybe ours)

Phew, aren't you tired just reading this! Pictures to follow when we're all finished!

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