Monday, October 20, 2008

Ego Blow....

Did you ever think that you were meant to do great things in life? Maybe change people lives, make a mark on this earth, or help bring change to something? Yes, I use to feel this way too. Then I became a stay at home mom. Now I am bringing change to diapers, folding laundry, making dinners, washing dishes, juggling bills, keeping people healthy, and everything else that people take for granted growing up (again, another reminder to call your mother and thank her).
There is no greater thankless job on this planet, but yet, the most rewarding; plus, people still volunteer and desire to do this over and over for years and years. There must be something to it.
Yet tonight when sitting on the couch with my husband my ego was lowered just a bit more. It went something like this:
Kelli: "We have to keep you healthy because I want to keep you around for a very long time. I can't make it without you here."
Stephen: "Yes, and the same for you. I mean, I could survive without you, but I don't want to." the market, my stock (and ego) just plummeted....


Amanda Lomonaco said...

Such a guy comment. Michael and I would or probably have had the same conversation.

michael said...

That is SO hilarious, because that is exactly like something I would say. We're honest to a fault, and then some I think.