Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall is Fun

It is that time of year when the pumpkins are out, and people are beginning to make their Thanksgiving plans. That is followed by Christmas shopping and singing carols 24/7 at my house.
I love this time of year. Unfortunately, this would be the time of year I'd head north for a week and soak in cool weather, apple butter, and mountain views. Instead, I am watching the news for weather reports (it will be 65 tomorrow, yeah!), turning my thermostat down, and searching for leaves that turn another color other than brown. Here are some of my favorite things about this season (not in order...) :
1) Apple Cider - the smell, taste and warmth of it
2) Making my Thanksgiving Menu
3) Pulling out my nice china to eat on
4) Carving a pumpkin and smooshing the insides
5) Pulling out sweatshirts and light sweaters
6) Dressing up the kids in their costumes
7) Sneaking some of the kids good candy (shhhh...don't tell)
8) Finding holiday tunes way too early and blaring them whenever I want
9) Lighting candles that smell like the holidays
10) Finishing my Christmas shopping earlier than anyone I know and hiding them in the house

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