Friday, October 17, 2008

Throw me a Bone here.....

Today I have been feeling more stressed out than usual. I don't know if it is me just being pregnant that heightens my irritability, or if my emotions are justified in accordance to things going on around me....Here 's what has been going on:
1) Sleeping has been limited...One child goes to bed later than the other, but other child gets up earlier only to wake the sleeping child (and mother)
2) I have been going to the doctor every other week now for a while, and it is taking a toll on my patience....I'm just sick and tired of it....
3) My wonderful husband was in an accident yesterday....that may not sound like a big deal, but being a driver for a never know what these little mishaps can bring makes me stressed over his job security during a hard economic time with a baby on the way
4) My daughter now communicates by screaming rather than using words to express happiness, anger, or disgust
5) Potty training is a good thing...HOWEVER...a two year old running to the potty 5 times within 10 minutes (not even joking) wears on a person's patience when it is EVERY DAY.....
6) Just went to the mail...our A.R.M. is going up due to the sinking our payments will increase 90 dollars....ok, now I'm feeling crapped on....
7) Did I mention that I am 29 weeks prego?

Alright, so now I am just exhausted from listing these things and that is merely a glimpse of my reality.....

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Yes - all of that is annoying and worrisome! I hear ya! We used to have an ARM a couple years ago, and eventually had to refi. I also hear the whole pregnancy hormone issue - yikes; I know for me everything was always really compounded at that time making little things seem big, and big things seem ginormous. . Just a couple more months to go!