Friday, July 31, 2009


While we were away celebrating the life Clarence Bowman (1920 - 2009), I was reminded what was important in life. Grandpa Clare was a man that passed with no regrets, no anger towards others, and no strife. He loved his wife, friends, family, and life. He was a practical joker, singer, entertainer, and loved by many. Shouldn't we live that way today; so that at the end of our lives people can say the same about us? Life IS too short for bickering in any form. No matter how different we are; truly, we are the same. Perhaps this is one lesson taken away from a time of grief....By this all will know that you are My (Jesus') disciples, if you have love for one another....

As uncle Jim put it..."Every time a bell rings....That a boy Clarence; that a boy!"

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