Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's not JUST for the kids!

While driving in the car yesterday, I asked my son if he knew what Friday was. "Yes, it's earth day."-he said. This took a moment for me to register. Then the guilt set in. He didn't know off of the top of his head that this Friday is Good Friday. Other questions set in, "Does he even know what that means?" "Am I not teaching him?"...

Instead of a freak out moment, I used this as a teaching/reminding moment. I shared with him the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. I explained that Jesus died on the cross on what we call Good Friday, and that it is Good because it was to cover all of our sins.

I love these moments with the kids! Not only do I get to share with the ones whom I love the most about Christ...but I get to be reminded why we celebrate different holidays, pray and follow the Bible. It's not just for the kids!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

All Aboard!

We're on the potty train! My third charm has been potty training for several days now (enough said, but I'll keep writing) and here is my list of thoughts about it all (yup, I think about it...all potty all the time):
1) M&M's work wonders (one candy at a time)

2) ALWAYS keep the washing machine on standby

3) Stock up on Clorox Wipes

4) Thank the heavens for tile floors

5) I'm grosser than I give myself credit for

6) The potty victory dance is REAL

7) I drop EVERYTHING when I hear, "need to potty"

8) Tiny underpants are adorable

9) Carry extra clothes & plastic bag with you at all times

10) Have a sticker chart for back up in case M&M's fail

11) It's like having a puppy in the house (their not allowed on the furniture or carpets)

12) Can I really be sad over not changing diapers anymore? I'm sick....

Friday, April 8, 2011

Phase II

So, I've been thinking about making this my "family's" blog and having another one for just me and my thoughts, etc....We'll see how that goes. My blog will be here:

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Sweetie Pie Princess

My little girl has been so lovely and sweet lately! She's really growing up and maturing (at the ripe 'ol age of 4). She's the hardest of my three to discipline (because she's so much like me). However, it's always so rewarding to see her make the right choices (that's progress...she's learning...I'm doing something right...she IS listening!). That's why I'm taking her out tomorrow for a girl's day. We're getting her some Sketchers ("I've just been dreaming about Sketchers, Mommy, for such a long time..."), share a smoothie ("Smoo-dee"), and watch a movie (or get her nails done...she can't decide). I love being a mom. I love being her mom, and I love that God has blessed me with each day that I'm here to enjoy them!


We've all had fear wave over us from time to time (the honesty starts here, people). However, I know that this is something that I struggle with. It started after my grandmother passed away (I still miss her terribly) from a battle with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (gulp, very scary word right there). I heard of the pain and sorrow that she carried, and it left me scarred (heavy stuff, I know).

Fast forward life a bit, my husband was diagnosed with Stage II melanoma (fine now, and has a very handsome scar), and two years ago I was thrown on a roller coaster of Post Partum Preeclampsia. I was too be celebrating the arrival of my healthy son's birth, but instead, I was in the hospital fighting for my life. I'm still using medication to this day because of it (yea, blood pressure meds).

Anywho, with all of this baggage I now tend to fly off of the handle when faced with health abnormalities (I mean, we are the picture of the abnormal...Webster called and wants our family photo next to the definition). I do my best to trust in the Lord (the verse is even on the wall in my vinyl lettering). I still struggle. That's why I just ask for prayer when craziness is thrown my way. I don't feel like I'm strong enough to keep it together under pressure. That's how everyone knows when I'm at the doctor (for yet another test or procedure...see above abnormality magnet comment)

...My latest affliction: armpits. They (my left more than my right) hurt (sore, uncomfortable, lumps, no bumps, no rash...TMI?) and I'll be asking my doctor about it soon (because I can't just ignore it...).

Here's a request cool cucumbers, give us scardy cats a break, will ya? I am so jealous of your types that breeze by life without as much as a cold to trip you up, and the fact that you can pass off a pain in your side (that's been nagging for months) and not think about it. I wasn't made that way (the Lord knows how he made me...c-r-a-z-y). Just thank God that you don't have my useless storage of medical information (I totally missed my calling as Dr. House), and get a good night's sleep for me!