Thursday, April 17, 2008

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Today my husband was off of work. That meant that I could sleep in a little while he got the kids ready for the day and took the oldest to school. He made me pancakes when he got home, and they were yummy!
Remember how I once wrote of the universe making sure that we know our place? Well, when we got in the car to pick up our son from school...I heard a POP....know what it was?
That may not be a big deal to those of you who are dealing with cooler temps, but here it was in the eighties today! Not to mention, another monetary donation to someone who has better mechanical/electrical skills than we.
Oh well....we did get it fixed today. Our air now works in the house and car! If anyone needs a good mechanic or AC tech...let us know...we're more than qualified to refer someone now...

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