Sunday, April 20, 2008

Settle Down

The house is quiet, cool, and finally calm. This weekend has been a rush of chaos and confusion, but now that a new week is upon us, all is tranquil once again. My youngest is finally feeling comfortable enough to sleep. She doesn't have such a high fever (scarring the mess out of us with 103)...My oldest protested going to sleep but was silent as soon as he sunk into his pillow. I quietly sit her and reflect while listening to soothing music.
Isn't it funny how the days, weeks, months, and years fly by. I feel as I just had a baby girl, but now she's almost two. Her once unmanageable, stubborn hair has grown into golden curls, and I feel as though my oldest is slipping away more and more every day. His baby-ness is just about gone, and I try to grasp his childlike ways and hold onto these precious moments.
I turn around and I've been married almost six years. Aren't I still like fifteen? Maybe 17 just packing for college, or 18 in my first apartment...No, I am a grown woman with a family to raise and take care of.
Life flys by as we try to capture it. It can not be caged and we don't get do over's. Hold on to each moment. Savor each flavor that seeps onto our pallite. Enjoy your ride for we do not know the time allotted.


Danielle said...

Beautifully put. I think the same things so frequently - "Where did the time go?". Watching your own kids get bigger, it'd be hard to deny the time passing by. And yes, I'm permanently 19 in my mind; I've never gotten any older though everything else about me (maturity excluded) begs to differ ;)

The Bock 10 (Yes, ten) said...

Truer words have never been written. Crazy when you see someone from your high school era and you seriously think think that they should look the same as they did when they were fourteen years old!

Anonymous said...

You can be 17 again for my b-day weekend. I think we all will be! Maybe we can make prank calls or something. LOL!

The Bock 10 (Yes, ten) said...

Ya...we can call cute boys...I'll tell Stephen and Hunter to wait by the phone!