Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Anne of yawn.....

Is it a crime against femininity to not fully enjoy The Anne of Green Gables series? It isn't like I despise them; it is just the amount of time you must forfeit in order to watch them all. I probably would have issues if I were to put in my favorite movie and watch it continuously for hours on end. Isn't that a form of torture? I guess that people now know what would push me over the edge.
Apparently when watching it recently with friends, I did not hide my feelings very well (and I really thought that I did). It is just that 3 1/2 hours into it, I merely snapped. I am weak. However, in my defense, one person went to another room to sleep, one remained on her laptop, and the other two played scrabble (you know who you are). Where did that leave me? The only actually fully paying attention to the screen.
I guess that the only way you can fully enjoy the Anne series is to not watch it at all; instead, preoccupy yourself with something more exciting while running it in the background. Ouch, the truth hurts ladies...but I will be silenced NO LONGER!


running shoes said...


Amanda Lomonaco said...

You are unamerican! What is wrong with you?! Just kidding. It's a good thing to watch when you are sick on the couch.