Monday, May 5, 2008

The Me Questionaire

What was i doing ten years ago?
I was seventeen years old on the verge of graduating, and I was about to be shipped off to an university that I hated!
5 things on my "to-do" list...
1) Fold Laundry 2) Clean out car
3) Grow Baby in Utero 4) Feed and Clothe Everyone Daily
5) To spot clean at least 30 min. daily
Snacks I enjoy
Nutella, Golden Apples, Ice Pop, and Baguette
Five things I'd do if i were a billionaire...
1) Pay of Debts 2) Buy/Build dream home 3) Give & Donate to missions/churches 4) De-burden parents financially 5) Extend our family further by adoption
5 bad habits...
1) Being too blunt 2) Remembering Everything
3) Worrying/Anxiety 4) Biting my nails
5) Obsessing
Places I've lived...
Fayetteville, NC
Casselberry, FL
Cullowhee, NC
Oviedo, FL
Orlando, FL
Sanford, FL
Five jobs I've had...
1) Compliance Clerk w/ Sears 2) Donations Services @ CCC 3) Starbucks Barista
4) Cheerleading Coach 5) Substitute Teacher
Who's Next?
Cindy Harle
Danielle (formerly Dahl)
ummm....anyone else that hasn't been mentioned from Jen's blog???????


Danielle said...

You have been a SB barista??? Kelli, teach me your skills; I am your student ;) No joking, that is always a career which I've dreamed of doing; when the kids are both in school, maybe I'll pursue my passion.

The Bock 10 (Yes, ten) said... much easier than you would think...there is a science to it though

Cindy Lynn said...

I don't think there is really a science to it anymore since they don't have to pull shots. They just slap your paper cup under the machine, push a button and out drops 2 shots of espresso. Sure they might put a little flare in the caramel sauce that's drizzled on the top of my beverage, but the rest has lost it's artistic quality :(

The Bock 10 (Yes, ten) said...

Hey, I totally had to pull shots and calibrate the machine too!